Trump Country
- Product Code: Trump Country
- Availability: In Stock
In 2016 Donald Trump broke the democrat’s proverbial “blue wall” of the midnorthwestern states. His election victory sent shockwaves through the political
spectrum and he quickly became one of the most hated men in America. President
Trump ran as a defender of the Constitution and through his first term he
accomplished many of his campaign promises. But, the tyrannical forces that have
been working mostly in the shadows to destroy America could not allow this to
continue. They set their plans in motion to stop President Trump from being
reelected in 2020. Through illegally changing voting laws, early and mail-in voting
and drop boxes they hoped this would be enough to snatch victory from President
Trump, but it wasn’t. President Trump garnered more votes than any other
republican candidate in history and won on election night in a landslide and that
was with one-third of every one of his votes going to his opponent. As the whole
world watched these tyrannical forces stopped the election and over the next five
days and nights systematically flip several states until President Trump lost. Our
Constitution and America have been under attack from within for decades.
President Trump set out to undo a lot of this damage and brought these tyrannical
forces into the light and we need him to continue this fight. Show your support for
President Trump and let these tyrannical forces know that your State is Trump